据介紹,這是德國藝朮傢GUNTER DEMNIG展现的一種個人創意:在納粹受害者死前最後寓居的屋宇前,將鑲有黃銅片的石塊舖設在人止讲上,黃銅片上刻有受害者的姓名及诞生跟灭亡的日期。這樣,走正在德國街頭,您便會在不經意間與那段特别的歷史相逢。
GUNTER DEMNIG表现,這一創意的靈感來自猶太法典中的一句話:噹一個人的名字被记卻時,這個人材算实正被遺忘。开初,這個創意難以順利付諸實踐,大多數人認為刻有受害者名字的黃銅石被人踐踩是一件極其辱没的事件,不過後來漸漸地年夜傢發現,若要仔細閱讀黃銅石上的疑息,惟有虔誠的下跪才干做到。就這樣,從噹初的不懂得和反對,到今朝在德國已經有562個城市舖設這樣的“絆腳石”,這位63歲的藝朮傢通過本身的尽力讓人們曲里納粹時代的德國歷史,以此盼望那樣的暴行不再重演,受害者不被遺忘。
Walking into the German Pavilion, one will find the floor is studded with small cobble-shaped brazen plaques with engraved words in memory of Nazi Holocaust victims.
These are stolpersteines (stumbling stones in German) which have been installed in streets in Germany by German artist Gunter Demnig.
He carved victims' name as well as years of birth and death on these small memorials.
The creation was inspired by a sentence in Jewish Law: a person was totally forgotten only when the name of a person was forgotten, the artist said.
Though people first thought having these names on the brass stumbling stones being stepped on could be an insult to those victims, then they found out that one had to kneel down to read the names engraved in the plaque. :
Kneeling down in front of the victim names, it's a symbol of showing respect, the artist said.
The stumble stones now can be found in streets in 562 German cities.
The 63-year-old German artist said he hoped that such atrocity would never happen again and Nazi holocaust victims would be remembered through his efforts.
The Stumbling Stones project was solely funded by non-governmental donations. Also, any relatives of Nazi Holocaust victims can pay 95 euros for one stumbling stone installed.